15-year-old secondary school student electrocuted in Benue


A tragic scene played out in Makurdi, Benue State capital when a 15-year-old Junior Secondary School student of the Benue State University Technical College, identified simply as Emmanuel was electrocuted to death.

The incident was confirmed on Thursday by the deceased’s uncle, Samuel Olokpo who revealed that the unfortunate occurrence happened on Monday in Achussa, a suburb of Makurdi.

Olokpo, said that in the morning of April 19, 2021, men of the Jos Electricity Distribution Company came to the house when everyone had gone to work and disconnected four households from the supply source.

Olokpo said two of the neighbours brought out their bills and were immediately reconnected.

“In the afternoon, one Emeka, a boy of five years, was playing and mistakenly stepped on a naked wire and it shocked him. So, my nephew decided to roll up the wires to avert any further danger and in the process, he was electrocuted to death,” he stated.

The uncle added that a neighbour, Mr Jonathan Adi, said his wife told Emmanuel that electrical appliances in their apartment were still functioning despite the disconnection.

Olokpo stated, “We rushed Emmanuel to the Ushakaa Hospital, where he was pronounced dead, and later deposited his corpse in the Benue State University Teaching Hospital mortuary.


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