46-year-old man feared killed after seven Pitbulls ripped off his face during morning walk


A 46-year-old man identified as Aglacir de Macedo Pereira met his untimely death on Friday after he was attacked and his face ripped off by seven Pitbulls while he was on his usual morning walk.

Reports say Pereira was ambushed by the bloodthirsty dogs in Lageado Feio, a rural area of southern Brazil while he was enjoying his morning walk he takes regularly.

The savage dogs escaped from a farm underneath a gate and viciously attacked Pereira who was later rescued from the attack by brave passers-by’s who rescued him from the gruesome attack and called an ambulance.

Pereira who was later rushed to Santa Cruz Hospital in central Pinhao died as he lost so much blood after the Pitbulls had bitten off all of the skin on his face and left his skull completely exposed.


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