49-year-old man in police net for raping 12-year-old daughter, says wife is becoming old, unattractive


The Ogun State Police Command has arrested a 49-year-old man identified as Ubong Williams Akpan for unlawfully having carnal knowledge of his 12 years old daughter (name withheld).

The arrest of the suspect was confirmed by the spokesperson of the state police command, Oyeyemi Abimbola, who said that Akpan was arrested following a report lodged at Itele Ota divisional headquarters by the victim, who reported that her father has been abusing her sexually since when she was seven years old.

According to Oyeyemi in a statement issued on Monday, the rape act has been going on for the past five years, and when she realized she could no longer bear it, she decided to report to the police.

The police spokesperson stated further that upon receiving the report, the DPO of Itele ota division, CSP Monday Unoegbe detailed his detectives to the scene where the suspect was promptly arrested.

”On interrogation, he confessed to the commission of the crime claiming that his wife is appearing too old, and she is no longer looking attractive to him, ”the statement read in part

Oyeyemi said the commissioner of police, CP Edward Awolowo Ajogun, has ordered the immediate transfer of the case to family support unit of Ota area command for further investigation and prosecution. He also directed that the victim be taken to the general hospital for proper medical treatment.


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