50-year-old cage fighter fatally stabs ex-girlfriend for having s3x with 15-year-old boy


The long arm of the law has caught up with a 50-year-old cage fighter identified as Paul Robson who reportedly stabbed his ex-girlfriend Caroline Kayll, 47, to death after he discovered that she was having sex with a 15-year-old boy.

Prosecutors say Robson drove 150 miles from Glasgow to Nothumberland to murder his ex-lover by subjecting her and the teenage boy to a horrific assault but he denies the charges.


According to prosecutors, Robson armed himself with two bottles of ammonia, then stabbed and slashed his former girlfriend and her teenage lover with a kitchen knife, scissors and a meat cleaver and then squirted them with the liquid.

He also allegedly bit the lad and stamped on Caroline’s head and neck before cutting off chunks of her blonde hair, prosecutors say.

After the crime, he allegedly fled with their phones so they were unable to call for help.

The victim’s family and friends later told police they saw that her Facebook account had been changed in the hours after the attack to say she was in a relationship with a 15-year-old.


Prosecutor Nicholas Lumley QC said: “The defendant was a well built and powerful man. He decided he was going to confront Caroline that night.

“Before he did so he went to Homebase and bought two bottles of ammonia, a pack of screwdrivers, a pair of pliers and adjustable wrench.

“Those items and a locksmith device he bought shows he was prepared to use force to enter her home and he planned to use the ammonia as well.

“Caroline and the boy were attacked and viciously so,” the prosecutors added.


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