60-year-old man in police net for s3xually assaulting mentally challenged woman


A 60-year-old man (yet-to-be-named) is now cooling his heels in police not after he allegedly raping a 20-year-old mentally challenged woman in Gituntu, Tharaka Nithi County, Kenya.

The incident was confirmed by the area Chief Edward Gitonga, who said the suspect, who lives alone, was found naked and the innerwear of the girl on his bed after had tricked her into his house and raped her.

“We have found the man wearing only a shirt and an innerwear believed to belong to the mentally challenged girl on his bed,” said Mr Gitonga.

The administrator said the victim said that the man called her from the road and asked her to help him look for some missing keys inside his house. But once she was inside the house, he allegedly pushed her onto the bed threatening to strangle her in case she screamed.

The man was taken to Mitheru police post and the girl rushed to hospital for checkup.


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