Burglars break into Beyonce’s home, property worth $1m carted away  


Three storage units in Los Angeles rented by singer, Beyoncé‘s production company, Parkwood Entertainment, were unlawfully accessed by burglars earlier this month who carted away property worth $1 million.

A report by TMZ reveals that the thieves stole numerous items, including dresses and handbags that personally belonged to the platinum-selling singer, according to law enforcement.


The Los Angeles Police Department said the burglars made away with valuables from three storage units rented by Parkwood Entertainment, the Grammy winner’s production company, TMZ reported.

It was also reported that this sort of robbery has been on the rise recently. Miley Cyrus was also recently reported to have lost clothes, family pictures and mementoes from her storage unit.

While the Los Angeles Police Department continues to investigate, no arrests have been made yet.


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