Elon Musk endorses satirical boardgame based on six evil billionaire CEO’s


The second richest man in the world, and founder of Space X, Elon Musk has endorsed a boardgame, Evil Corp, which is based on a satire of six evil billionaire CEO’s.

Featuring characters loosely based on the CEO Billionaires of our time – (Elon Musk, Mark Zuckerberg etc), the boardgame is now being described as a “Modern take on Monopoly”.

Upon learning of the game when it was in development, Elon Musk tweeted: “Great name… A little on the nose” .

Developed by social activist Alfie Dennen, the boardgame designer Allix Harrison is in protest against Billionaire CEOs undue power and influence over our societies, cultures and livelihoods.

In Evil Corp, you play as a Billionaire CEO intent on “Saving the world, no matter the cost”, highlighting the fact that today’s global behemoths like Facebook and Amazon are very much in the news due to just being too big to care about the consequences of their policies.

“The game satirically reflects our 21st century of globalisation, political corruption, hedge funds and disaster capitalism, whilst subtly examining the human cost of these trends. Like Elizabeth Magie’s original Landlord’s Game – which was designed as a protest against the monopolists of the day – Evil Corp is a warning that the massive power to shape our collective future is held in the hands of a handful of CEO Billionaires, driven – regardless of their public facing attitudes – by shareholder value,” Alfie and Allix said in a joint statement.


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