F1 superstar Lewis Hamilton slams Catholic Church for refusing to endorse same-s3x marriage


Popular Formular One (F1) car racing champion, Lewis Hamilton has weighed in on the decision by the Catholic Church, led by Pope Francis, to refuse to recognise or bless same sex marriages.

The sports personality who was reacting to singer Elton John’s condemnation of the church’s decision which was announced this week said that the refusal of the Catholic Church to accept same-sex marriages was “unacceptable”.

In his condemnation, Grammy award winning singer, Elton John wrote: “How can the Vatican refuse to bless gay marriages because they ‘are sin’, yet happily make a profit from investing millions in ‘Rocketman’ – a film which celebrates my finding happiness from my marriage to David?? #Hypocrisy.”

Hamilton, a self professed Catholic, shared his opinion after Elton John’s condemnation saying; “Standing in solidarity with Elton John and the whole LGBTQ+ community on this issue.

“It is unacceptable that in this day and age, anyone should face prejudice or discrimination based on the person they love, especially in the name of God who we are told loves us all equally.

“It is incredibly sad that many will now feel they have to choose between their faith and being their true self, and I want my followers to know that I stand with you and I support you, and you deserve happiness.

“Love is love; don’t let anyone tell you differently,” he added.


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