KATSINA: Angry mob lynch, burn two suspected bandits, one injured, arrested


Three suspected bandits met their waterloo in Magamar Jibia town in Jibia council area of Katsina state when they were lynched by an angry mob and subsequently burnt to death.

A report by Daily Trust on Monday revealed that the bandits were burnt to death during an attack by the mob which occurred around 11:25 pm, shortly after the unidentified gunmen invaded the town and broke into the house of an unnamed man.

It was learnt that the man raised an alarm, leading to mobilization and confrontation of the bandits by residents of the area.

An eyewitness said; “I saw the corpses of two of the suspected bandits burnt beyond recognition and dumped at the Magama junction, but the third person, who was said to be in army uniform, was said to be taken away by the policemen.”



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