Kim Kardashian and her kids test positive for COVID-19


American reality TV stars, Kim Kardashian along with her children have recorded a serious case of the dreaded COVID-19 disease which has shut down production of her show for two weeks.

Reports say that Kim Kardashian noticed Saint developed symptoms of the disease and later tested positive after an apparent outbreak at his school and she was really worried about him.

Later, her other child North started feeling sick soon after and eventually both she and Kim discovered they had it too, which stumped Kim’s ‘baby bar’ studying as she failed her exams.

According to her, everyone pulled through and have all made full recoveries. Kim, unfortunately, flunked the baby bar again as she couldn’t study through all of this, but is still going to give it another shot.

“If you are doing law school the way I’m doing it, it is a 4-year programme instead of your typical 3-year programme, and after year 1, you have to take the baby bar. This was actually harder, I hear, than the official bar,” Kim confessed.


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