More trouble for Akuapem Poloo as fresh police complaint is filed against her


There is more trouble on the horizon for Ghanaian actress Rosemond Brown popularly known as Akuapem Poloo as after a fresh police complaint was filed against her by a comedian.

Reports say her close friend Derrick Kobina Bonney, popularly known as DKB, has reported her to the police for defamation after she accused the humour merchant of profligacy.

According to DKB who had been in charge of donations made to Akuapem when she was sentenced to jail for posing naked in the presence of her child, the actress accused him of squandering proceeds from the contribution.

This was after Akuapem Poloo claimed one Mama Alice had accused her of not showing appreciation for the money she donated while she was in prison.

According to Poloo, Mama Alice claimed to have given GH¢4,000 to DKB to be given to her.

Akuapem Poloo had in a video said she has not received any money from DKB and he has also refused to pick her phone calls.


To prove his innocence, DKB filed a complaint asking the police to investigate the matter.


The comedian took to his official Instagram page on Friday tagging Akuapem Poloo as “ungrateful” and a “defamer” adding that he also regrets helping the Ghollywood actress.


He wrote:  “You can either be ungrateful or a defamer but you decided to be the 2.

“I swear on every sweat, blood and insults I’ve received, the extent to which I went to support is the same extent I’ll go to drag you over this.

“It go over you. Be careful when helping a Ghanaian.

“I really regretted everything,” DKB added.



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