MURIC calls on NBC to ban Portable’s new song ‘Kuku Do Ritual’


The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has called on the Nigerian Broadcasting Commission (NBC) to ban the latest song released by popular singer Portable titled ‘Kuku Do Ritual’.

The pressure group which made the demand in a statement on Monday, 23rd January 2023, stated that the new song released by the controversial singer encourages ritual killing.

According to the statement signed by MURIC Director, Dr. Ishaq Akintola, the new track by Portable is an open invitation to criminality reason NBC should place a ban on to curb the negative effect it may hasve youths in the country.

“We find this song disgusting, detestable and egregious. It is a brazen assault on Nigerian and African values. Portable’s latest song has reduced human life to the level of ordinary ants that can be stamped out under human feet without qualms and without consequences. It is an open invitation to criminality. It makes a mockery of law and order. It is an open disrespect for human life,” it reads.

READ ALSO: Portable spotted begging victim he knocked down while driving recklessly (Video)

“This song has the capacity to influence our young ones in a negative manner. It is also capable of destroying the future of the youth. Something must be done urgently. Already, there are several reports of young ones engaging in shameful acts for the purpose of getting rich in their tender ages.

“MURIC calls on all men of goodwill, all mothers in Nigeria, Muslim and Christian leaders to rise against the madness called Yahoo Yahoo and ritual killings among young ones whose ambassador has just released this horrendous song in their praise. ‘Kuku Do Ritual’ is nothing but a eulogy to glorify and elevate the names of ritual killers to high heaven.

“This album calls for immediate action from Nigeria’s traditional rulers. They are the custodians of our tradition. We therefore take our cry for help to these royal fathers to speak up on this sacrilegious song released by ‘Portable’. They must put pressure on the authorities to stop the circulation and broadcast of this album on any radio or television station and through any medium whatsoever”. The statement by MURIC added in part.


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