Samklef slams Lilian Afegbai for saying love is hard to find in this generation  


Music producer Samklef has slammed sultry Nollywood actress Lillian Afegbai who took to her social media page on Saturday to claim that true love is hard to find in this generation.

The thespian who shared her thoughts on her official Instagram page said that no one has the right to judge anyone for marrying who they love, even if the marriage doesn’t work out later.

Lilian who shared her thoughts while addressing people, who are quick to judge others for the partners they settle down with, noted that sometimes, one can hardly find love and money, “so you have to choose.”

She said; “Everyone should be allowed to marry who they love. This thing called age is just a number. Love is hard to find in this generation… Sometimes, you can hardly find love and money, so you have to choose.

“If you get lucky you can find both and no attention. Hence, we say be independent so your choices aren’t limited. But no one has the right to judge anyone for marrying who they love, even if it doesn’t work out later. Enjoy it for that period that you have it and keep it going,” the actress added.

While reacting to the comments of the thespian, Samklef who obviously had a problem with her thoughts said that ladies like the actress just need an excuse to marry rich old men who will take care of their bills.

He said; “Please all these ladies coming on social media to say love is hard to find just dey lie. Love is not hard to find. Just say that you are looking for excuse to marry ready made man to pay your bills.

“Cause you are lazy, you think all those young ladies that marry men old enough to be their grandfather are happy. Will you love and marry an old man old enough to be your grandfather with no money?”


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