Toke Makinwa fires back at Twitter user who accused her of sleeping around to get to the top


Chatterbox media personality Toke Makinwa has fired back at Twitter user who accused her of sleeping around with men to get to the top and thereafter misleading others on social media.

Toke had earlier shared some motivational Tweets on her official handle about people who missed making it to the top because of entitlement mentality and when she was done tweeting, she had to respond to a Twitter who subtly shaded her on how she made money.

She wrote thus; ”Someday we will have a conversation about young people starting out and this entitlement issue; it breaks my heart to see so many talented people miss it.

“You cannot cut corners on the way to success, it doesn’t happen overnight. Don’t let this “wokeness” deceive you, the journey to the top is Ladened with a lot of sacrifice, you’ll need to do the work and stay under construction.

“You look at day 500 of someone’s success and start to compare your day 1, your attitude to your success is one of what happened right now or I move to another thing and you end up depressed, Rome wasn’t built in a day.

“A lot of people ask for mentors but feel too big to stay under construction, some of them don’t even want to learn, I had zero mentors coming up, the industry was cruel. I sacrificed so much for a dream that I wasn’t even sure would pay off. No success without doing your time.

“I once left my fathers 70th birthday in Spain, I was the MC, I left the reception to board a flight to Lagos that evening, landed in Lagos to board another flight to be in the same day to host MBGN, it wasn’t a paid gig, I sacrificed to build my brand. I cried a lot

“And even got trolled that night cos to be honest, my hosting skills were terrible, I just wasn’t that good yet. I could have given up on it but it fueled me to push and seek out more opportunities till I got better at it. Young people stay under construction, nothing comes easy”.

After her post, the Twitter user @HiddentruthA posted saying; “Some female motivational speakers sef, after fucking your way to the top or success. They will start to tell us how they made billions with just 10kobo. Well done.

Moments after spotting the message by @HiddentruthA, Toke Makinwa fired back saying; “I know right, like fucking your way to the top is easy, do it too. Try your luck so we can see you motivate us too.”


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