Veteran Fuji musician Kollington Ayinla reveals his only life regret


Veteran Fuji maestro, Alhaji Ayinla Kollington who plunged headlong into the murky waters of the music industry in 1965 alongside the late Sikiru Ayinde Barrister has revealed his only regret in life as an adult.

Barrister who started music at the age of 10 said during an interview that many youths have the opportunity to acquire university education but are taking it for granted, completely opting for music or sports, thinking fame and fortune is all there is to life.

“I really have no regret being a musician but I regret that I don’t have university education. But thank God all my children are educated and some have even ventured into music; only that they are into hip hop. I may be privileged in another lifetime to go to university but not here on earth,” he said.


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