44-year-old man bags life sentence for raping, drowning stepdaughter after her mum asked for a divorce


The Crimean Supreme Court has sentenced Aleksandr Pilipenko, 44, to life in prison after he was found guilty of raping and drowning his five-year-old stepdaughter in a bathtub after her mum asked him for a divorce.

Pilipenko was slammed with the sentence on Monday, April 19, as the court ruled that he is guilty of the brutal murder of 5-year-old victim, Daria Pilipenko at their home in Crimea.

After raping and killing the girl in November 2019, he dressed her body and buried it on the outskirts of the village of Kropotkine before reporting her missing, local reports said.

Two days later, he confessed to the killing and led the cops to her body. He was immediately charged with rape and murder of a minor.

He was jailed for life at the Crimean Supreme Court on Monday, April 19, as the mother remains in a mental health facility, The Sun reports.

“The stepfather battered the girl during her bath time before committing acts of sexual nature against her,” police official Olga Postnova said.

“After that, he drowned her in the bathtub.”

Detectives said he killed Daria after her 23-year-old mum, Yekaterina Pilipenko, asked him for a divorce.

Yekaterina’s relatives said the young mum had decided to put an end to the relationship due to domestic abuse.


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