Charly Boy’s daughter, Dewy & lesbian partner SJ celebrate third year anniversary


Dewy Oputa, the lesbian daughter of former President of the Performing Musicians Employers Association of Nigeria (PMAN), Charles Oputa, and her lesbian partner, SJ celebrated their third year anniversary as lovers.

In an emotional message on her Instagram page, Dewy described her lesbian partner SJ as everything she manifested for and also expressed gratitude for having her in her life.

SJ in her reply on the same social media platform said that it has been 3 years full of respect, love, laughter, and peace adding that while some people say that the “honeymoon phase” of a relationship lasts for a short period of time, she realized that it can last as long as one wants it to.

Recall that who opened up on how he felt after he heard that his daughter, Dewy, is a lesbian said that he was shocked to the bone marrow when his daughter confirmed she is a gay.

He wrote: “I am close with my children and I love them to bits. They are my friends. But I wasn’t really ready for the ‘breaking news’ my Princess Dewy had for me. When my child told me she is gay, a lesbian, I experienced a range of emotions, during that phone conversation.

“So many things went through my mind, one of them included self-blame (did I do something wrong?) (The child I thought I knew and loved no longer exists.), worry (will my child be discriminated against?) religious confusion (is my child damned to spend eternity in hell?), and stigma (what will people think of my child? of me?).

“I was hoping it was a prank but it was happening in real time. Even though I was unusually calm through that conversation, my mind was wandering in all directions.


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