Middle-aged man hangs himself after he was caught having s3x with his 17-year-old daughter


A yet-to-be identified middle-aged man has hanged himself in Nwangele Local Government Area of Imo State after he was caught by villagers having sex with his 17-year-old daughter.

Reports say that the man who was reportedly having an incestous affair with his 17-year-old daughter, decided to take his life after the burble burst on him on Thursday June 10.

Speaking with The Sun, a source in the community told The Sun that villagers who had been suspicious of him, had approached him to question him about the affair but he denied it blatantly.

Fortunately, they were not disappointed by their suspicion as both were caught on the act days later.

Upon being caught in the act, the man reportedly attempted to jump out from the window of his building. He was later dragged to the palace of the traditional ruler of the area where he was said to have confessed to the crime.

After being made to atone for his sins by performing a traditional sacrifice to the gods of the land, the man who later realized how shameful the act was hanged himself on a tree in a nearby bush.

Before hanging himself, the man allegedly told his daughter to forgive him and also disclosed that he cannot live to bear the stigma of his act. The daughter, who was also questioned, said her father had threatened to kill her if she exposed their secret affair to the public.

The source said; “She told us that her father has been sleeping with her since she was 16 years, he even threatened to kill her if she revealed their affair to the mother who is a trader.

“Her mother takes her goods to the market everyday; she does not know what is going on between them.”


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