Nollywood actress Rita Dominic gifts three budding thespians N1.4m


Sultry Nollywood actress Rita Dominic has gifted three budding actors the sum of N1.4 million after they emerged winners of a ‘La Femme Anjola’ acting challenge for the Mildred Okwo directed movie ‘La Femme Anjola’.

The trio of thespians including; Jasmine Wrights, Chioma Okafor, and Josh Anowi won N1 million, N300, 000 and N100, 000 respectively for emerging winners of the recently held acting challenge.

The winners of the acting challenge for the movie co-produced by Dominic and set to be released to critical acclaim in March 2021, were announced on Monday, April 5 after a rigorous process of selection from multiple entries.

“When I first started acting in Nollywood 23 years ago, it was very difficult after finishing school,” Dominic said at the cheque presentation event. “So, my dream was to find a way to give opportunities to upcoming actors so they don’t have to go through the rigorous process.

“For so many years, I didn’t have the opportunity to bring my dream to life, so luckily, Heritage bank came on board and partnered with us this year and I felt this is a fantastic opportunity to bring to life this long-life dream and with the help of my business partner and director, we decided to put out a monologue from our new film, La Femme Anjola, that whoever does win will have an opportunity to feature in our next project aside winning a prize.

“It was difficult because we had several entries and I will tell you that we have lots of talents in this country but at the end of the day Jasmine won.”


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