Prince William edges Mike Tyson, Jason Statham to become world’s sexiest bald man

Prince William, Duke of Cambridge introduces new workplace mental health initiatives at Unilever House on March 1, 2018 in London, England. The Duke of Cambridge highlighted the importance of mental wellbeing at work and introduced a new Heads Together workplace mental health initiative during the Workplace Wellbeing Conference.

The Duke of England Prince William has been named as the world’s sexiest bald man as he edged out boxing legend Mike Tyson, 54, who came second with 8.8million “sexy”, “hot” or “attractive” mentions on the internet.

After tallies were collated, the 38-year-old Duke who was described as ‘sexy’ emerged with the highest votes with a whopping 17.6million hits online in blogs, reports and pages found in Google searches, researchers found.

Coming in third position in the poll is 53-year-old Fast & Furious star Jason Statham was in third place, with 7.4million results, with Russian President Vladimir Putin just missing out on a spot in the top ten, with 2.2m results.

Others who got votes include; Star Trek icon Patrick Stewart who got 1.1m ‘sexy’ mentions online.

Other notable figures in the top 10 were The Rock, Bruce Willis, John Travolta, Floyd Mayweather and Vin Diesel.


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