Three young men hacked to death in Benue as rival cult groups clash during birthday party  


Tragedy struck at Odoba Otukpa in Ogbadibo Local Government Area of Benue State when no fewer than three young men were hacked to death during a clash between rival cult groups.

Reports say that the bloody incident occurred on Saturday night, March 27, after quarrel broke out during the birthday party organized by one of the youths in Odoba community which initially led to the hacking of a young man from Obu Otukpa, a neighbouring community, during the fight.

The death of the young man from Obu Otukpa led to further fracas with a reprisal from the man’s community which led to the death of two others from Odoba as one of the Odoba youths killed was said to be preparing to bury his father on Thursday this week.

The incident was confirmed on Sunday by the Chairman of Ogbadibo local government, Prince Samuel Onu, said that the incident that led to the death of the three victims was a cult-related issue.

“It has nothing to do with the communal crisis; it was a clash between rival groups. The incident happened at a party last night (Saturday night) and we have directed that the corpses be buried immediately,” he said.


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