Wicked father cuts off head of 17-year-old daughter because he didn’t approve of her boyfriend


A tragic scenario played out in the Indian village of Pandetara, Uttar Pradesh when a wicked father decapitated his 17-year-old daughter and carried her head through the streets because he reportedly did not approve of her boyfriend.


The incident sent chock waves in the area as spotted the man identified as  Sarvesh Kumar walking with the head on Wednesday, March 3, as he was reportedly on his way to a police station after cutting off his daughter’s head as part of an honour killing.


Accoding to a local TV station, NDTV, Mr. Kumar admitted to beheading his daughter with a sharp object as he was unhappy with the relationship she was in with a boyfriend he never approved of.

‘I did it. There was no one else. I closed the latch and did it. The body is in the room’, he said.



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